Sunday, January 28, 2007

My Spiritual/Character Goals 2007

Developing the Inside

I want myself to have more faith in god, strong confidence and gratefulness.

Throughout my life, I felt that I have lots of worries and fears. Worries and fears are easy to build up stress. Sometimes this gets pretty serious and hurt me both ways; mentally and physically. It feels like you’re trapped and have to get out by yourself. Those were the times when I needed God desperately but didn’t call him for help.
Today, when I’m having a hard time I call out for God because I strongly believe that he will help me.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”(Joshua 1:9)
I always thank God so much because of the fact that he will always be there for me.

Everywhere, everytime, and every moment needs confidence. For example, starting things with or without confidence makes a big difference.
The reason why I want to develop confidence is because to exceed my goals. Having confidence makes it easier and effective to reach my goal.
Confidence just naturally makes you bright and I would love to make all my days be bright and blessed.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”(Isaiah 40:10)
With my confidence and God’s support, I’m positive that my life will be full of happiness.

I want myself to be thankful all the time, especially the time where I’m going through difficulties. I know I have so many things to be thankful of, but always forget and complain about things. When you’re thankful, no matter how hard things hard, you’re just thankful. You don’t have time to see the bad side or compare things with others because there are so many things to see on the bright side. Having gratefulness will help me live a positive life.

My Learning Goals 2007

Having a Success in Writing!

GOAL 1: Always have my written work drafted and revised. I’m not that confident about my writing so obviously my writing can’t be excellent. However I’m willing to make my writing great as possible by drafting and revising.
METHOD: Ask help from Ms. Johnson to check over my writing before the due date. Also, share my writing with other friends so I can know where I’m missing.

GOAL 2: I want to use precise and descriptive language that can help my ideas and purposes. This help readers have fun reading and also make an awesome work for the writers.
METHOD: Knowing lots of vocabulary is very important for this goal. Learning vocabularies in the book is the best way because I can know how that vocabulary is used by reading the sentence. Also memorizing vocabularies from the vocabulary book is another way. Set the number of words, at least 10, you want to memorize and practice.

GOAL 3: One of the weakest points in English is grammar for me. There are many things I need to know but for now I would like to know how verbs, adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions are rightly used.
METHOD: First I need to read again about verbs, adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions and get them straight. I need to read a lot of books so I can get the sense of how to use them naturally. Get a check from Ms. Johnson so I can clearly know that I’m using it right.

GOAL 4: Using appropriate research methodology is very important because we do lots of projects, writings and reports. Knowing the research methodology will help me do a better job.
METHOD: Knowing the topic clearly and exactly is the very first thing I have to do. I should plan my research methodology before I begin. For example what methods are needed and how much I’m going to use.

GOAL 5: Out of the 6 traits, I want to improve on my ideas. Even though I’m sort of poor at other traits, I think enlarging my ideas is the first thing I have to do. It’s the most challenging trait but I would be proud of myself seeing my writings full of great ideas.
METHOD: When a topic is given, I’ll try to find much information as possible based on the topic. Then I would organize the information, think about what suites the topic best and change it to my own words.
In other times I’ll try to keep reading books because it would help me expand my ideas.